Gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, is a condition that can cause redness and swelling in your gums as well as bleeding while brushing or flossing. If it goes untreated, gingivitis can progress to early, moderate, and advanced periodontitis. Each of these stages has the potential to affect long-term damage to your oral health, including bone and tooth loss.

Typically, patients in Beverly Hills who notice these symptoms or related concerns should see their general dentist for care. If gingivitis worsens into periodontitis, they will typically be referred to a specialist such as Dr. David Anson. As a Periodontist, he can offer several treatment options to remedy the concern and improve areas of damage and tooth loss.

Understanding Gingivitis and Its Symptoms

Food particles on your teeth can interact with bacteria—which is ever-present in the mouth—to develop into plaque. This sticky film forms on teeth and gums, and without proper brushing and flossing, it can harden into calculus, creating a rough surface along your gum line that accumulates even more plaque.

As the result of this cycle, you may notice symptoms that include:

  • Red, sore, or bleeding gums.
  • Bleeding while brushing, flossing, or eating.
  • Bad breath.
  • Teeth that appear longer than normal because the gums are receding.
  • Changes in your bite or in how your retainer, night guard, or dentures fit.

One of the biggest challenges with gingivitis for patients in Beverly Hills is that there are sometimes no obvious symptoms or discomfort until the gum disease progresses to a more damaging stage. Regular visits with your general dentist can help you identify concerns before they cause more serious problems.

Treating Gingivitis

Fortunately, your teeth and bones should not have sustained permanent damage during the first stage of gum disease. As a result, gingivitis can be reversed with professional care and proper oral hygiene at home.

Consider visiting your general dentist when you recognize any of the symptoms above. He or she can evaluate your concerns and provide a thorough cleaning, which can remove plaque and tartar. Your dentist may recommend that you visit more frequently than twice a year for extra care. You should also ask about proper brushing and flossing, as improper technique is one of the biggest causes of gum damage.

Gingivitis, Gum Disease, and Seeing a Beverly Hills Periodontist

In advanced cases, your dentist may refer you to a specialist. Periodontists spend extra years developing their professional knowledge in conditions such as gingivitis and periodontitis, and they can perform procedures that resolve infection and repair damage.

As our patient, you will receive a conservative approach to intervention. In some cases, he may delay surgery in favor of less invasive measures. Patients can often resolve gum disease with improved brushing technique, deep scaling, or root planning.

In other cases, our Periodontists may recommend a more comprehensive procedure. Whichever treatment plan they advise, you will benefit from their years of experience and from the latest, most effective periodontal techniques.

If you have questions about gingivitis and other oral health concerns, schedule an appointment in Beverly Hills with our Periodontists. Call our offices at (310) 657-0999.